Twentieth Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios (the creators of Ice Age and Rio) partner again for Epic (previously titled the Leaf Men), a new CG animated movie that will reveal a hidden world unlike any other. The voice cast can boast Beyonce Knowles, Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Knoxville, Aiz Ansari, Jason Sudeikis, Steven Tyler, Blake Anderson, and Judah Friedlander. Check out the official plot synopsis of the film:
"EPIC tells the story of an ongoing battle deep in the forest between the forces of good and the forces of evil. When a teenage girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and whimsical characters in order to save their world... and ours."
The film is based on William Joyce's children book "The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs". Here's the blurb of the illustrated book:
"An old woman gets sick and her garden begins to die. A fearless troupe of bugs assigned the task of protecting the garden enlist the aid of the mythical Leaf Men to defeat the dreaded Spider Queen and keep the vegetable patch safe."
Director Chris Wedge (who helmed the first Ice Age movie and Robots) is in charge of the film. The release date of Epic is set for May 24, 2013.
We should be getting a trailer for the film soon. Anyway, stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Epic.
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